Thursday, July 20, 2006


My Office PC is dual boot; having Windows 2003 server and Ubuntu 6.06. I have been in windows for a long time therefore all of my work related files, developments and mail are in windows partitions (ntfs). Ever since I changed to Ubuntu, I was searching ways & means of full access to ntfs partitions. It only gave me read-only access. But today I found this great link on how to get access to ntfs partitions under linux. I immediately implemeted it but due to some reason, it couldn't mount both partitions instead it mounted only one. At least, I have one partition which I have full access.

Well, what more I need? EMail. Yes, I love OutLook. It's a great program. Couldn't believe its from M$. I'm using Thunderbird from mozilla in Linux. The pain is, I cannot use two mail clients in different OSs. Its not only wasting my precious space but also finding a particular mail drives me to nuts. Sometimes I cannot remember which mail is in which mail client. But the beauty of a cross platform mail client like Thunderbird is, it works in both OSs. I found this great article on how to configure Thunderbird to have a single mailbox (profile) no matter in which OS you work. Now I've lost one reason to goto Windows.

Friday, July 14, 2006


I thought of starting a corporate knowledge base in our company to share views and thoughts of employees mainly on technical topics. I had previous experience of wiki based engines since 'trac' uses a wiki engine to maintain its knowledge base. I googled for wiki engines and came across so many but only two of them impressed me, Twiki & MediaWiki. After installing both, MediaWiki came to the top of the list because of the features it has and the easiness to install. Now it is up and running successfuly. Later I came to konow that wikipedia, the best knowledge base in the world, is also running using MediaWiki. Cool...