Sunday, November 21, 2004


Ever since I started this blog, I used to post technical stuff. (mostly, its about Google gadgets…). I know what you are thinking… I am a technical junkie…ehh?… Well… in a way, it’s true… but I believe there’s some humanity left inside me… Therefore, I would like to dedicate this post to ALL MY GOOOOD FRIENDS…

o Friendship isn’t a big thing….It’s a million little things.
o Friends are for keeps… and for keeping in touch.
o Sometimes a friend can make it “All Better” just by being near.
o Friendships are made up of little stories… with happy endings
o Life’s journey is easier when you hear a friend’s footsteps beside you.

And my dear friends…
The way you live each moment, giving, laughing, & caring so deeply, I wonder if you ever realize the moment of joy you bring into other people’s life…You are truly indispensable…

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The latest entrant to the Web Search Arena…Microsoft!

I extracted the following from a Yahoo News article, therefore, credit goes to the original author.

Microsoft Corp. finally debuted its own web Search technology hoping to challenge Google’s long dominance of the field. Google signaled that it is ready for a fight, doubling the search index to 8 billion web sites.

Redmond-based Microsoft has long offered a search engine on its MSN Web site, but the technology behind was powered by subsidiaries of Yahoo Inc

The Microsoft search engine, offered in 11 languages, will initially be available on a special "test" site. (Google Search offers more than 90 languages including Sinhalese)


A feature called "Search Near Me" guesses where users are located based on their Internet connections and seeks to provide results nearby. Another feature promises to answer plain-language questions such as "What is the capital of Germany?" by culling through Encarta.

Google also offers a localized search function, with users telling the search engine where they are. And it has a "Google Answers" site, where researchers provide data for a minimum fee of $2.50. Microsoft's version is free but not as tailored.

Microsoft also plans to offer by year's end a test version of its hotly anticipated technology for quickly locating e-mail, Web pages and other files on desktop computers. Google launched a similar product last month. .

You can find MSN Search here.

What I can see is, MSN Search is an EXACT COPY of Google Search with a couple of additives here and there. Shame on you Microsoft…

Google…. The Mathematician!

Do you know everything about Google search? Have you ever come across that the Google has a built in calculator? Checkout the following;


Complex Numbers

And more…
100 miles in kilometers
1000 meters*10 newtons in kilojoules
speed of light in miles per hour

Cool…. eh?

Don’t forget to check the other features in Google. (Hmmm.. Google should pay me for this…)

Monday, November 08, 2004

“Google, search My Documents in My Computer...!”

How long will it take to find a word document in your machine using the Search facility in windows? Well, it depends on how many files you have in the hard disk and sure it will take more than a couple of minutes. How about a tool which can search for a given word not only in the word documents, but also in power point, excel, e-mail or even in chat conversations in less than a second?


Google Desktop Search (Yes, another innovative product from Google) can do the above in a flash. To my surprise, the downloaded program (it's the PC versiona of the Google search engine) is tiny as 400kb but according to Google, it demands 500MB or more hard disk space for indexing purposes. (Who cares about the hard disk space these days….) I was really amazed by the searching speed which is not uncommon in all the Google products. Although it is still in the Beta version, it has gone a long way.

In an earlier post, I’ve mentioned that I’m not a MS-Addict, but, to my surprise, I am becoming a Google-Addict.