Monday, November 08, 2004

“Google, search My Documents in My Computer...!”

How long will it take to find a word document in your machine using the Search facility in windows? Well, it depends on how many files you have in the hard disk and sure it will take more than a couple of minutes. How about a tool which can search for a given word not only in the word documents, but also in power point, excel, e-mail or even in chat conversations in less than a second?


Google Desktop Search (Yes, another innovative product from Google) can do the above in a flash. To my surprise, the downloaded program (it's the PC versiona of the Google search engine) is tiny as 400kb but according to Google, it demands 500MB or more hard disk space for indexing purposes. (Who cares about the hard disk space these days….) I was really amazed by the searching speed which is not uncommon in all the Google products. Although it is still in the Beta version, it has gone a long way.

In an earlier post, I’ve mentioned that I’m not a MS-Addict, but, to my surprise, I am becoming a Google-Addict.

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